Pilates Exercises to improve your knee strength
Thank you for joining me on the second edition of knee strength exercise to relieve muscle imbalances and knee pain.
Relieve knee pain is as easy as a squat or two 😉
Recent research concluded that arthritis, tears or cartilage damage can be prevalent without pain. Knee pain is not necessarily a direct result of disease or damage. Knee pain is more predictable with an imbalance in muscles around the knees. Muscles pulling the knee in various different, awkward positions.
The research scanned over 900 people and over 60% of them were found to have signs of arthritis, tears within the knee joint and cartilage problems but no knee pain.
This lead researcher to believe that the structural problems within your knee are not the cause of knee pain. Instead, it is caused by the pull of the muscles around the knee. Imbalances are common. I see scary squats in class, when the inner thigh is weaker than the outer thigh, causing the knee to drop into each other. Strengthening your inner thigh will help to rebalance your knee and alleviate pain.
The second big imbalance is between the thigh muscle known as the quads and your hamstrings on the back of your leg. Your hamstrings tend to get shorten and pull excessively on the knee cap causing compression and pain around the knee cap. Alternatively, the hamstrings tighten and pull on the lower back causing back issues.
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Before you reach for the pain relief medication that ends up causing bowel and gut issues, consider improving the strength of your muscles around your knees. Consider these exercises before you opt for surgery or medication.
Exercises to strengthen your knees
I have put together 3 videos in a series to help you to increase your muscle strength around your knee.
Here is the SECOND knee recovery exercise video
Please SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel and you will automatically receive the THIRD video in the knee series – click here to find my channel and press the SUBSCRIBE button on youtube. When you subscribe it means that you will receive all my exercise videos and nutritional chats for free and first.
So click here to visit youtube and PRESS SUBSCRIBE.
What else can you do to increase your joint mobility?
Drinking more water will lubricate your joints, making them glide smoothly. Plus simple, cleansing and detoxifying water. is the BEST thing you can be drinking to benefit your body to detoxify, re-hydrates tissue and boosts circulation. Find out my top tips on drinking more water here.
If you would like to practise Pilates in the comfort of your own home click here
Any questions or comments email me adele@get-gorgeous.com
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