The UK’S #1 Pilates Classes

Do you need to relax and let go with a day of soothing Pilates?

A woman sits cross-legged on a yoga mat, smiling serenely amid meditation items. A purple banner reads "Step back! Guided Meditation and Soothing Pilates Day Retreat" with the name "Adele Stickland" below, promising a transformative journey through guided mediation and mindful Pilates.

Do you have an overactive mind with your thoughts always racing?  Do you get into bed at night exhausted and find that you can’t sleep! I know that feeling, and with menopause, those feelings get even more difficult. This is why I love to relax, kick back and switch off.  My guided meditation and Pilates half-days are perfect for those with busy thoughts.  I’ve outlined all you need to know about our meditation and Pilates retreat days in this blog. You’ll find out where they are, what you will do, and how you can join in.

Do you need to relax with some guided meditation and soothing Pilates?

  • Do you have a shorter attention span than you would like, or find it difficult to concentrate at work?
  • Perhaps you have so much going on that you find it difficult to remember names, numbers, or bits of information?
  • You would benefit from some time, of deep immersion, eating nourishing, homemade food, and gain perspective and space for you
  • Join us and shift your focus and energy and create your very own wellbeing toolbox
  • Enjoy a restful day of complete relaxation and stop the negative mind chatter and self-sabotage.

A healthy and relaxing afternoon combining tools to help you relax, release stress.  How often do you have the chance to step back from your day and … breathe?

What do you need to know about a guided meditation day?

Guided meditations are simply relaxing and releasing. Making yourself incredibly comfortable, surrounding yourself with a beautiful environment and warm blankets will mean that relaxing is much easier.  There are no requirements but to listen to the guidance and float away from any concerns or issues that you have that may be keeping you stuck in a repeat pattern of negativity.

The afternoon starts with Pilates so that your body and mind feel ready to unwind and let go and then we move onto relaxing guided meditations to release and then to activate a new way forward.

  • Pilates will help you to stretch and unwind
  • A guided meditation will help you to step back a gear
  • Company of others to help you to re-focus on yourself and feel comfortable that you are not on your own.

The day will be an interesting, calming day with healthy snacks, conversation and calming exercise.

Finding peace and happiness has to come from looking inward rather than outward.  Take time to look at the things and people that really matter: human connection, the support of the people we care about, our health, and the many simple pleasures in life. It’s about making sure that, instead of rushing headlong through the day, you take a little time to actively create the ‘moments of meaning’ and cherish them. After all, today’s moments become tomorrow’s memories.

Where is the meditation and Pilates day held?

The venue is Revitalize Studio in Topsham, Exeter. It is a purpose-built, modern, relaxing environment for you to let go and relax

Venue: Revitalise Studios, White St, Topsham, Exeter EX3 0AA


What is the theme of the afternoon?

The event is going to be themed on: ‘Guided Meditation, Pilates & Calm’ If you want to dive straight in here is the booking form  BOOK CLICK HERE >


What have other customers said about the guided meditation and Pilates afternoon?

Comments from the mindfulness workshop include:

Enjoyed the time and space for calm, I liked the music, the candle and the lovely ambience”

Others felt that the workshop was different from others that they had attended:

“The incorporation of food and a good selection of snack with takeaway recipes to try”
“Love the fact that I have a copy of the meditation to use again”
“I loved the combination of the exercises and the theory”

The most important thing that customers learnt from the workshop:

“Tips for reducing stress in life and learning to say no”
“The body’s reactions to the fight or flight reaction and the side effect of too much stress”

The workshop includes almost an hour of calming, destressing guided meditation, Pilates with a BONUS nutritional session on how you can reduce your stress and lose weight easily with better nutrition. I will also provide lunch and healthy snacks.

As a bonus to ALL those that attend I will send out a copy of the meditations for you to keep and refer back to.

Book your space click here:  BOOK CLICK HERE


If there any preferences that you might have you can let me know on the first call. 


Prefer Video? Watch My Video: Tracey’s too stressed to stop!


Before our day together, I would like to invite you to a call with me so we can establish what you want to achieve. What you are struggling with and what you would love the day to help you with. Upon booking, I will send you an invitation to chat.

I want to able to support you with this day and see how you can get the most of our time together in terms of your health. 


Venue: Revitalise Studios, White St, Topsham, Exeter EX3 0AA

Book your space click here:  BOOK CLICK HERE >

What other clients say…

Prefer Video? Watch My Video: Jane’s first guided meditation day

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