The UK’S #1 Pilates Classes

A person in a pink tank top and dark leggings gracefully performs a yoga pose on a purple mat, reminiscent of a free pilates class. They sit with one leg extended upward, holding the ankle with both hands against a neutral background.

Saturday 3rd June Matthew Hall Topsham 3pm to 4:30pm

If you have ever wanted to try Pilates with me or if you want a free extra top up class, come along on Saturday 3rd June at Matthew Hall, Topsham.  The class will start with a quick chat from Pauline about Ataxia, a health chat about nutrition, and FREE pilates class and you will finish your day with a healing meditation.

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Adele’s Pilates

Schedule for the afternoon:

  • Introduction 5mins
  • Chat about healthy living with Adele 20mins
  • 30 minutes Pilates with Adele
  • 15mins relaxation to finish

Mats will be provided but please bring your own if you have one.  Wear comfy clothes and bring a towel to place under your head and bring a big SMILE!

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Fundraising in June

This fundraising session is part of the ataxia awareness campaign in Exeter and Devon during June 2017 to help people to understand what Ataxia is and how it affects people. Look out for the Ataxia logo on the back of Exeter buses, at train stations and in the local media!


Don’t miss: UK’s #1 Pilates Classes


What is Ataxia?

Ataxia is the name given to a group of disorders that affect balance, coordination and speech. There are many different types of ataxia that can affect people in different ways.  Anyone, of any age, can get ataxia, but certain types are more common in certain age groups. For example, people with Friedreich’s ataxia are usually diagnosed in childhood or adolescence.

People with ataxia often lose the ability to walk to speak and to swallow. For many, it will also damage their heart, vision and hearing.
There is currently no cure.

How many people have Ataxia?

The ataxias are rare conditions. Estimates from recent studies show that there are:

  • at least 10,000 adults
  • about 500 children

in the UK with a progressive ataxia. to find out more about ataxia visit the website


See you on 3rd June

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PS.  If you would like to practise Pilates in the comfort of your own home click here


Icon of a red movie camera enclosed in a white circle with a black border.

Get your free 10 minute Adele’s Pilates video

Would you like a completely free 10 minute Pilates video to try out in the comfort of your own home? Simply fill in your details below and get yours now.

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